Can I have Overnight Guests?

Residents may have up to 2 guests at a time, with a stay limited to 2 days. If you would like to have guests over, please see the important guidance outlined below.

Guest Limitations

Residents may have up to two guests at a time, with a stay limited to two days. Stays beyond this duration may require an amendment to the contract for double occupancy, and could result in a rent increase.

Report Visitors

Guests must be reported to a property manager at Urban Evolution at least 24 hours before their arrival to comply with Fire & Safety regulations.

Non-overnight guests must leave by 11pm.

Guest Behaviour

Residents are fully responsible for their guests and any associated damages or costs. By submitting a guest form, residents confirm adherence to these conditions and Urban Evolution's Behaviour Policy.

Submit A Guest Form

You can submit a guest form here, or alternatively, you can sign them in via the sign-in sheet at reception.