Booking Terms & Conditions - Student Accommodation.

Urban Evolution Booking Terms & Conditions (May 2024).

General Overview

Booking Options

Booking Process

Rental Payments/Instalment Schedules

Cancellation Policy

Room Moves

General Terms

Legal Disclaimer


General Overview

The intention of these terms and conditions is to give an overview of the booking process.

To book a room and move into an Urban Evolution property you are required to complete a tenancy agreement – a tenancy agreement is a legally binding document, and tenants and guarantors should read this document carefully before agreeing to the terms of the agreement. Urban Evolution is not in a position to provide any legal advice, should a prospective tenant or guarantor have questions then they should consult a solicitor, Citizens Advice or the Law Centre.

At the point of check-in to the accommodation the tenant must be of or over the age of 18 years and enrolled as a full-time student at a university, college or accredited educational institute.

Booking Options

There are three options for booking accommodation with Urban Evolution;

  • Web Direct
  • Via Accommodation Team
  • Via Third Party Agent

Web Direct

To make a booking online, you will need to select the property and room type you wish to book, complete the application form and follow the on-screen instructions to proceed with the booking. Bookings made via the Urban Evolution website are subject to a timed window and so applicants via this route should ensure they can complete the booking process in one sitting.

Via Accommodation Team

You will be required to advise our team via phone, email or in-person which property and room type you wish to reserve, once we have this information we will commence your application.

Via Third Party Agent

To make a booking via a third-party agent, you will need to follow their booking process. When the third-party agent has processed your booking, you will be invited to complete the Urban Evolution booking process.

Third-party agents may require you to pay booking/application/processing fees directly to them, as well as subscribe to their terms and conditions. Urban Evolution shall have no liability for any booking/application/processing fees that are paid to a third-party agent.

Urban Evolution advises students booking via a third-party agent to familiarise themselves with the specific terms and conditions of that third-party agent before commencing the booking process.

Booking Process

Regardless of which option you select to book your room, you will be required to provide certain information. All information you share with us is processed in line with our privacy policy, which can be accessed here.

Acceptable documentation during the application/booking process:



  • Passport
  • Driving licence
  • Photo national identity card

Student status:

  • Student ID
  • Offer email/letter from university/college
  • Acceptance email/letter from university/college



  • Passport
  • Driving licence
  • Photo national identity card


  • Utility bill/statement
  • Bank or credit card statement (less than 3 months old)

All acceptable documents must be in English. Urban Evolution reserves the right to refuse any documents that are unclear, or not in English.

What is a guarantor?

Providing a Guarantor is common practice when renting property in the UK and provides Urban Evolution with the assurance that rent will be paid in full.

If you wish to secure your accommodation with us and you wish to pay your rent in instalments, we ask that you provide a qualified Guarantor who is resident in the UK.

A Guarantor is a responsible person who is known to the tenant and agrees to pay any outstanding rent and associated rent recovery costs for the tenant for whom they are acting as Guarantor. A guarantor is typically known to the tenant; for example; parent/guardian, sibling and/or family friend. Once completed the contract is legally binding – the tenant and guarantor should consider their options prior to signing the agreement.

Urban Evolution will conduct necessary qualification of a guarantor including credit checks as allowed by law. Urban Evolution reserve the right to review this information and reject guarantor applications if information provided is not suitable or the nominated guarantor fails to meet the eligibility criteria.

Guarantor Eligibility Criteria;

  • Resident in the UK
  • In full-time employment
  • Earns a minimum of 3 x the monthly rent

If a prospective tenant is unable to provide a guarantor and wishes to pay their rent in instalments, then you are advised to contact a third-party guarantor service, such as Housing Hand or Rent Guarantor.

Rental Payments/Instalment Schedules

There are three options for payment when booking with Urban Evolution;

  • Pay in full
  • Instalments – Termly
  • Instalments – Monthly

We recommend you arrange a direct debit for your rental payments – if you do then it is your responsibility to ensure you have the necessary funds in your account on the date the direct debit will trawl.

If you choose to not arrange a direct debit then it is your responsibility to ensure your rent is paid on time at each instalment date.

Instalment Schedules

In full; if you have opted to pay in full then payment is taken in August, or if booked in/after August then payment is taken prior to arrival.

Termly instalments; if you have opted to pay in termly instalments then 10% of your rent is taken in August (or if booked in/after August) then prior to arrival, followed by 30% in October, 30% in January and 30% in April.

Monthly instalments; if you have opted to pay in monthly instalments then 10% of your rent is taken in August (or if booked in/after August) then prior to arrival, followed by 10% each month until the balance of your rent is cleared.

Cancellation Policy

Cooling off period

There is no cooling off period. Once your tenancy agreement has been fully signed then you and your guarantor (if applicable) are liable for the full terms within the agreement.

If you have moved-in to the accommodation

If for any reason you are thinking of leaving your accommodation after you have moved-in, please speak to the local team at your property first. If you decide to proceed with leaving your accommodation early, please be aware regardless of occupancy/residency status you and your guarantor (if applicable) will be required to continue to meet the obligations in your tenancy agreement.

In limited circumstances, Urban Evolution may agree to release if the following criteria are satisfied;

  • You find a suitable replacement (who must be over 18 and enrolled as a full-time student at university/college) to take a new tenancy agreement for your room for the remaining portion of your contractual term, and;
  • The incoming tenant must enter into a tenancy agreement with Urban Evolution and satisfy the necessary steps of the booking/application process

Any refunds due will not be processed until such time as the incoming tenant has completed the booking/application process, paid their rent (either in-full or their first instalment) and checked-into the accommodation.

The current tenant and guarantor (if applicable) will remain liable for rental payments until Urban Evolution confirm in writing that you have been released from the tenancy agreement and its obligations. Requesting early release does not constitute agreement that early release will be granted.

Cancellation by Urban Evolution

To confirm your booking, you and your guarantor (if applicable) are required to complete the booking process and sign a tenancy agreement. During this process, if you and your guarantor (if applicable) fail to provide information in a timely manner then Urban Evolution reserve the right to withdraw your accommodation offer.

If after completing the application process and prior to move-in Urban Evolution is unable to fulfil the contracted property/room offer then we will contact you to advise as soon as possible detailing the reason why the property/room is unavailable. We will offer you a suitable alternative to your contracted property/room – you are within your rights to reject this offer and if you do so then we will cancel your tenancy agreement and any monies paid will be refunded.

Room Moves

Ordinarily we do not offer or allow room moves. In limited circumstances and depending on availability, we may allow a room move – to request a room move please contact

Please note room moves are subject to availability and at the discretion of Urban Evolution, requesting a room move does not imply confirmation it will be granted.

General Terms

Please review these general terms carefully prior to further use of this website as use of our website constitutes acceptance of these terms in full. Except where expressly notified, nothing on this website constitutes an offer to enter into legal relations, including but not limited to contractual obligations and warranties.

This website is owned by Urban Evolution, a company registered in England and Wales, with company no: 11247750, whose registered address is 48-52 Penny Lane, Liverpool, Merseyside, England, L18 1DG.

Urban Evolution has taken every reasonable care and effort to ensure the information on this website is accurate and valid. The information on the website is provided “as is”. Urban Evolution periodically updates the website as it sees fit or when changes/updates are required. Urban Evolution accepts no responsibility or liability for any loss and or damage as a result of someone using this website.

Urban Evolution accepts no responsibility or liability, nor does it endorse or certify the validity or accuracy of third-part information this site may link to or be linked with. Users are advised to conduct their own due diligence when viewing third-party content. Furthermore, Urban Evolution is not responsible for any information listed on third-party sites nor does the company endorse the information shown on these sites.

Urban Evolution reserves the right to update/amend/remove information from this website at any time of it’s choosing and does not need to provide notice of these changes.

Please note personal information you provide may be used by Urban Evolution or our agents/partners for the purpose of administering our business as prescribed by The General Data Protection Regulation and DPA 2018. If at any time you wish to not have your personal information used for this purpose then please notify us.

Unless otherwise notified Urban Evolution and its subsidiaries own the copyright of the contents of this website. All rights are reserved in respect of all trademarks, brand images, brand names are owned by and held by Urban Evolution. This website is owned and managed in the United Kingdom (UK) and is governed by English law. Those who choose to access this site from other countries/territories do so at their own risk and should ensure compliance with any local laws and or customs that accessing websites requires.

Legal Disclaimer

By using the website, you confirm your acceptance of the terms set out and agree to comply with them in all parts. If you do not agree with these terms now, or at any time during the use of the website then you should cease using the website immediately.

Urban Evolution does not agree to the copying, transfer or reproduction or storage of any of the contents of this website. Any wish to copy, transfer or reproduce then must be made in writing and any agreement for any content to be copied, transferred, reproduced or stored will be given in writing with any specific usage clauses specified.

All images/floor plans/videos/virtual tours are indicative of design and as such the physical layout of the property/room may differ to those shown in images/floor plans/videos/virtual tours.

The contents of this website are protected by copyright and other proprietary rights, which are the sole property of Urban Evolution as the owner or authorised licensee and are subject to the following copyright notice.

All rights reserved.